Tag Archives: vegetarian dinner recipe

What if we get more yams this week?

We have been going absolutely bonkers here with our fruits and veggies.  Earlier this summer I started participating in a local food co-op and I am soooooo happy that I did.

We never know exactly what we get but everything is excellent quality.  I’ve become a total nerd about it too setting reminders to place my order every week and I am getting people hooked on it too.

The kids get excited although they may never admit it if you ask them, but trust me they do.

One week we received about a dozen pasilla peppers (did I spell that right?)  I had no idea what creative thing we could do, but Ethan thought up these stuffed peppers.  They were great!

Cut the top off your pasilla pepper, de-seed with a small spoon or a dull knife.  Saute ground turkey and season with alaea Hawaiian sea salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic.  Stuff into peppers and bake until the peppers turn a nice roasted brown!

Not sure what to do with Asian pears and an abundance of potatoes?  Well, make a gratin of course!

Slice potatoes and Asian pears, I suggest 3/4 potatoes and 1/4 Asian pears, mixed into the layers.  In a pre-heated, well oiled or buttered pan on medium heat layer potatoes and asian pears with shredded monterey jack cheese similar to a potato gratin or scalloped potatoes.  Add chopped rosemary, salt and pepper to each layer not exceeding more than four layers.  Cook until bottom is golden brown, then de-glaze with some white wine or chicken broth.  Once the wine cooks off, flip and cook other side until golden.  Again, de-glaze if you wish.  You can finish by baking in the oven at 350F until potatoes are soft.

It turned out delicious!  I’ll make that again.

Ethan strikes again with these strawberry blondies.  He took some of my blackberry jam and spooned it onto the side for an additional berry experience and the blondies were a HUGE success with the blackberry jam on top!

Make a batch of blondies, smash strawberries and drop spoonfuls onto blondie batter after it is spread into the baking pan.  Swirl strawberries with a knife or toothpick, bake and savor…don’t forget the blackberry jam!

One of my recent favorites is something that I usually don’t care for.  In fact, I was not pleased to find about 8 of these in my basket but you know me.  I’m always up for a challenge. 🙂

Yams.  Actually I like to call them yucky yams.  I throw a bigger fit than the kids with these.  Well, I take that back.  My brother made the yam and marshmallow thing last holiday season and I ate it and liked it because he made it.  That’s it.

We’ve been barbecuing outdoors a lot lately and as a side, I sliced up some of these yams and intended to cook them up on the BBQ and toss on some marshmallows right before eating.

I cooked them in foil with alaea Hawaiian sea salt, pepper and chopped dehydrated onions.  All four of us ate these happily wishing we had brought more.  They were that good.

I am really enjoying our weekly basket and the people at both sites we use are so nice I just love it.  There might be a Bountiful Baskets in your area too!


Hunger Strike Day 3 & Garbanzo Bean Meatless Meatballs by Suzi from Cooking’s Good!

Day three of this Hunger Strike!  I’m still here to tell the tale but I sure am hungry.  My other half has been following this meal plan too for the week and I am grateful for the additional support.  I can’t tell you how many times I open the pantry door out of habit and then suddenly remember to refrain!

My little girl has been eating well though.  She had a rich and cheesy white sauce and whole wheat pasta topped with fresh green onions and a cold glass of milk!

I have gotten quite a lot of feedback via email, text and phone calls!  Thanks to each and every one of you for helping raise awareness for the cause and also for making my commitment to the community public.  We are one day closer to helping solve this problem one family at a time.

Don’t forget to leave a comment, share this post (using your favorite social network) and “like” our Try Anything Once Facebook page to be entered into our giveaway for this little treasure…

And I would like to add a little something to our giveaway pile!  Not only will we be drawing the name of one lucky winner for this keepsake box in the photo above, but we are also giving away winners choice of (1) K-Cup Coffee Sampler or (1) 12 oz. bag of Tully’s House Blend coffee as a present to one lucky winner!  Sorry no photos available at this time…but we know what coffee looks like. 😉

So don’t forget to share, spread the word and leave some comments!

To pass the time instead of preparing food and taking culinary adventures this week I have been catching up on some blog reading and that is not smart to do while I am on a hunger strike! 😦  I have made a few new friends that I really enjoy and one of them has a very good meatless recipe you should try.  Garbanzo Bean Meatless Meatballs by Suzi from Cooking’s Good!

My beloved housemates really give me a hard time when it comes to anything meatless and let me tell you…that hasn’t stopped me one bit.  Sorry, but I know it’s a wise option to go meatless and even VEGAN once in awhile!  Yes, I said the “V” word!

These meatballs had a nice texture that came really close to ground turkey only slightly softer.  Moist and flavorful these Meatless Meatballs were equally satisfying to the palate as they were to our stomachs.  This was a HUGE hit at my house.  And I mean huge.  I would never have guessed they were meatless. 😀

I’m not usually a fan of frying foods but I had some frying oil so I figured why not. (I made these last week so I was able to enjoy them too!)  I was very pleased with how they held their shape!

Slightly crispy on the outside, moist and flavorful on the inside.  I wish I had made her tomato gravy but I was so wound up about the Meatless Meatballs I didn’t give it a second thought. 😦

I highly recommend not only this recipe but go on over to Cooking’s Good and meet Suzi! Tell her Dionne says hi. 🙂

For the link to these Meatless Meatballs please click here.